Welcome to the inaugural community discussion post! On the first Friday of each month, we’ll pose a prompt about writing, mothering, or whatever might be happening in the world. We invite you all to enter the discussion by answering in the comments. We encourage you to read each others’ comments, connect with others by replying, and to engage as fluidly as one might in a happy hour in this very digital format.
Here is your first prompt:
We would like you to introduce yourself! We’re all new to this Substack, so let us know who you are. Who are you and what are your pronouns? Where do you currently live? What is your writing story and what kind of writing do you do? What is your parenting story? How many kids do you have and how old are they?
Brag about yourself! What are you working on? What have you published? And where can we find you? (post links!)
Hey Scribente Maternum community! So excited to get to know you all! I’m Elizabeth Doerr and one of the co-founders of Scribente. I live in Portland, OR and have a 6 year-old kiddo (he would tell you he’s 6 and 3/4s).
Im a nonfiction writer. My current project is a book to build disaster preparedness skills in order to prepare for the climate apocalypse, but mostly to push through my climate grief. You can follow the journey at https://crammingfortheapocalypse.substack.com. I recently signed on with an agent and the proposal will go out for submission in the new year.
213842 Hi everyone! I'm Shay Galloway (she/her), mother of one boy (3.5), who I love the normal amount. I currently reside in Olympia, WA, where I'm an English professor and mostly write fiction, particularly historical fiction. My debut novel The Valley of Sage and Juniper was released with a small press in March of this year and is the story of two sisters growing up on a Rocky Mountain ranch during the Great Depression.
I got an agent this year and am currently working on my second book (just finished another round of revisions!) It is a Gilded Age novel about female vengeance and racial passing.
I also host a book podcast with a friend called The Bitch Moms Book Club. We focus on books that feature something about parents.
I'm on all of the socials as @TheGallowCat, but you can also connect on my website:
Woot woot! Hi Shay! And everyone should listen to the Bitch Moms podcast! I love that there are books I know will depress me that I don’t have to read now because you did it for me 🤣
Hi all! I'm Charlotte Maiorana (she/hers), in NYC, mama to two boys (18mo and 4 years). "In it" if you will.
I'm a writer and poet and trying to own that poet identity. Recently had my first piece accepted for publication <3. I've spent much of 2023 returning to my writing roots as I am an editor by day. I have felt more like me than I have since my fist was born. I'm working on a Substack for caregivers returning to creativity to uncover their new selves. It is early days, but you can find it here: https://charlottemaiorana.substack.com/
I am a dual citizen with Italy and the US and much of my work focuses on heritage and identity and how that is part of our creative acts and what it looks like now. I also help people travel to Italy, and write about it, like this piece from TIME https://time.com/6261656/naples-italy/
Looking forward to getting to know more of you here <3 xoxo
Love love love the focus of your Substack! I feel like writing was my way back to myself after having a kid. It’s like I had to claw my way into that writer role, but it’s what also saved me. Can’t wait to read your Substack!
Hello, Scribente friends! I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller to the Substack world. I'm Rachel (she/her), mama to an 11-year-old extremely tweenie boy and a 9-year-old girl with all the big feelings. I taught English until my son was born, so I always credit my kids for my writing career.
Because of my background in the classroom, I write a lot of textbooks and lesson plans for teachers. I also have a History degree, so I tend to write a lot of content for social studies classrooms. I'm kind of also working on a project about the modern education system through the lens of my run for school board, but that might be a perpetual work-in-progress for a while. Any encouragement to move that project forward is much appreciated!
You can find me posting on Scribente's socials @scribentematernum, but also on my own @midwestwriting, especially on Instagram. I also share a lot of travel content on my personal socials, since my family is obsessed with seeing as many places as possible. I also have that new-Substack smell over at https://midwestwriting.substack.com/.
I can't wait to connect with you all inside this space!
Hey Scribente Maternum community! So excited to get to know you all! I’m Elizabeth Doerr and one of the co-founders of Scribente. I live in Portland, OR and have a 6 year-old kiddo (he would tell you he’s 6 and 3/4s).
Im a nonfiction writer. My current project is a book to build disaster preparedness skills in order to prepare for the climate apocalypse, but mostly to push through my climate grief. You can follow the journey at https://crammingfortheapocalypse.substack.com. I recently signed on with an agent and the proposal will go out for submission in the new year.
I also have a writing and communications business where I write content for non profits and social justice-focused organizations and also dabble in ghostwriting. One such project was published a year ago called “Roadways for People” (https://bookshop.org/p/books/roadways-for-people-rethinking-transportation-planning-and-engineering-lynn-peterson/).
My current project is
213842 Hi everyone! I'm Shay Galloway (she/her), mother of one boy (3.5), who I love the normal amount. I currently reside in Olympia, WA, where I'm an English professor and mostly write fiction, particularly historical fiction. My debut novel The Valley of Sage and Juniper was released with a small press in March of this year and is the story of two sisters growing up on a Rocky Mountain ranch during the Great Depression.
I got an agent this year and am currently working on my second book (just finished another round of revisions!) It is a Gilded Age novel about female vengeance and racial passing.
I also host a book podcast with a friend called The Bitch Moms Book Club. We focus on books that feature something about parents.
I'm on all of the socials as @TheGallowCat, but you can also connect on my website:
So happy to be a part of this!
Woot woot! Hi Shay! And everyone should listen to the Bitch Moms podcast! I love that there are books I know will depress me that I don’t have to read now because you did it for me 🤣
Hi all! I'm Charlotte Maiorana (she/hers), in NYC, mama to two boys (18mo and 4 years). "In it" if you will.
I'm a writer and poet and trying to own that poet identity. Recently had my first piece accepted for publication <3. I've spent much of 2023 returning to my writing roots as I am an editor by day. I have felt more like me than I have since my fist was born. I'm working on a Substack for caregivers returning to creativity to uncover their new selves. It is early days, but you can find it here: https://charlottemaiorana.substack.com/
I am a dual citizen with Italy and the US and much of my work focuses on heritage and identity and how that is part of our creative acts and what it looks like now. I also help people travel to Italy, and write about it, like this piece from TIME https://time.com/6261656/naples-italy/
Looking forward to getting to know more of you here <3 xoxo
Love love love the focus of your Substack! I feel like writing was my way back to myself after having a kid. It’s like I had to claw my way into that writer role, but it’s what also saved me. Can’t wait to read your Substack!
yesss. thank you <3
Hello, Scribente friends! I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller to the Substack world. I'm Rachel (she/her), mama to an 11-year-old extremely tweenie boy and a 9-year-old girl with all the big feelings. I taught English until my son was born, so I always credit my kids for my writing career.
Because of my background in the classroom, I write a lot of textbooks and lesson plans for teachers. I also have a History degree, so I tend to write a lot of content for social studies classrooms. I'm kind of also working on a project about the modern education system through the lens of my run for school board, but that might be a perpetual work-in-progress for a while. Any encouragement to move that project forward is much appreciated!
You can find me posting on Scribente's socials @scribentematernum, but also on my own @midwestwriting, especially on Instagram. I also share a lot of travel content on my personal socials, since my family is obsessed with seeing as many places as possible. I also have that new-Substack smell over at https://midwestwriting.substack.com/.
I can't wait to connect with you all inside this space!