Thank you all who came to our writer-moms gathering on July 30th! I received a number of emails from folks who wanted to come, but just couldn’t make it. There will be many more where this came from, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, those of us who were there had some really great conversations. In fact, we went down several book recommendation rabbit holes that I exclaimed “I should be writing these down!” And of course, I did not write them down and nor did I take any photos because we were so into our discussions.
So, that’s what this post is going to be! A follow-up with book recommendations in the comments! If you were there AND if you were not, let us know what you’re reading in the comments!
Also, just a reminder that if you want to receive future messages for this group in your inbox, make sure to both subscribe to the Substack.
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The book recs I gave were mostly summed up in my most recent Write Like a Mother post: What was amazing about putting that list together was that it was so easy to come up with this list of narrative books that tap into so many of the nuances of motherhood.