Regional Chapters
We are excited to introduce a new benefit for paid subscribers: Regional Scribente Maternum Chapters!
These regional groups will be coordinated by local Scribente Maternum members and will include opportunities to connect with local writer-moms near you. These events and activities will be dependent on what members need and want from this community, so the options my vary. Events may include regular meetups, regular writing/co-working time, and readings.
Additionally, chapter members will receive exclusive discounts on ticketed in-person workshops.
Current Available Chapters
Seacoast Writer Moms (Southern Maine/Coastal NH)
Want to start a chapter where you are? Email us at and we’ll help you get up and running. Chapter coordinators receive FREE Scribente membership among other perks.
How to Join a Chapter
First, you’ll need to subscribe to the chapter within your publication settings.
You can do that by clicking here to go to your Write Like a Mother account, and when you see this screen below, toggle “{Whatever Chapter You Want to Join}” from “off” (grey) to “on” (green).
Second, you’ll need to become a paid subscriber to this Substack—that gains you membership to any chapter. Anyone can subscribe to a chapter, however there will be a limited number of free posts in the chapter, so to gain all the benefits the chapter holds, you’ll need to upgrade to paid.
Questions or concerns?
Let us know! Email us at and we’ll do our best to help you out.